
今天偶然看到了芝加哥9分顶级公立小学prescott elementary的规章手册。整体读下来的感觉是除了DEI(多样diversity,平等Equity,包容Inclusion)这种左派议题写的都挺好,和我上小学时比,管理更严格,许多措施也都更周到合理。但整个手册对DEI的重视程度和表述方式让我震惊,就好像DEI的部分和其他部分是两套意识形态不同的班子写的。我看不出规章手册是保守派妥协后的阳奉阴违,还是革命派夺权后初试锋芒。


该手册的第一个夸张之处在于在开宗明义的部分(见手册第五页),在学校推崇的四点期望,把Equity and Inclusion(平等和包容)放在了第一,甚至在第二名safety and wellbeing(安全和身心健康)之前。第三是academic excellence(优异的学术成绩),第四是technology and digital etiquette/citizenship(电子世界文明行为)。人身安全都排不到第一,可见文化大革命的厉害。


Grading Policy
Prescott’s grading policy is grounded in accuracy, bias resistance, and self-determination, so students are empowered to achieve high, holistic growth. The school expects each students’ grades to represent their mastery of concepts and content. Teachers, parents, and staff engage with students to facilitate their holistic growth across disciplines, including the arts and physical education, as well as social-emotional learning (SEL). Ultimately, students are responsible for their learning.




First and foremost, we want grading to be accurate: We want our calculations to be mathematically correct and reflective of the feedback. But we want our grades to be more than that. We want to prevent omnibus grades that include such a diversity of information that they become misleading. We don’t want to include so much information that we confuse our students who work hard and follow directions but don’t know the standards or our students who know the standards but have weaker study habits and are less compliant. We want to make sure we don’t include irrelevant information that makes our grade ambiguous, and we don’t exclude information that renders our grade deficient or incomplete. Our assessments are based on Illinois’ learning standards.
(Adapted from Joe Feldman’s Grading for Equity)




Bias Resistant

As we’ve seen, traditional grading promotes and reinforces a system that sorts students and replicates achievement and opportunity disparities. Our grading practices must give all students and opportunity to succeed regardless of privilege. Yet this is not enough. We are self-aware enough to know that although we are committed to creating classrooms and schools where every student can and will succeed, we unavoidably carry our conscious and unconscious biases. Therefore, our vision of grading requires grading practices that not only counteract the biases embedded in twentieth century grading but that also act as a check on those biases we bring into classrooms. We want grades to systemically promote the success of every student, but we need our grades to be “inoculated,” to resist infection by our own subjective biases, particularly when those biases are based on a student’s race, gender, family income, first language, or special needs.
(Adapted from Joe Feldman’s Grading for Equity)




Self-determination: Empowering and Providing Agency

Grades serve as the endpoints of rich, layered, personalized feedback that motivates students to understand themselves situated in the context of a particular domain (e.g., Writing, Social Emotional Learning, Algebra). Grading encompasses a process of introduction to and eventually mastery of concepts and content. Teachers and students interact throughout the process via direct feedback, self-reflection, peer feedback, and multiple iterations, so the student knows throughout the process triangulated feedback on their progress toward mastery. With such textured feedback, grading should empower and motivate students to act on their path toward mastery and ultimately use their mastery of concepts and content to positively impact their own lives and their community. Teachers have the responsibility to ensure that the grading system grants agency and tools to individual students to act on their current knowledge status and ultimately achieve their learning goals.

(Adapted from Joe Feldman’s Grading for Equity) 





Some Prescott bathrooms are non-gender or gender-neutral bathrooms, also known as all-gender bathrooms or inclusive bathrooms. These are facilities designed to accommodate individuals of any gender identity expression. These types of bathrooms promote inclusivity, respect, and equal access for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. Bathrooms at Prescott are labeled as all gender (1st floor), girls+ (3rd floor), or boys+ (2nd floor). These district policies affirm the rights of individuals to use the bathroom that aligns with their gender identity and explicitly prohibit discrimination or harassment based on gender identity or expression.


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